Gallup survey reveals majority of Pakistani afraid of next floods

The results of a Gilani Research Foundation survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan indicated that more than half (52%) Pakistanis fear this year’s monsoon rains will bring floods like the catastrophic floods that hit the country last year. 
In a survey, a nationally representative sample of men and women from across the four provinces were asked that some people say this year’s (2011) monsoon rains will bring floods like last year and do they agree or disagree?” More than half (52%) fear the possible return of devastating floods like last year. 33% do not think monsoon rains of this year will cause flooding, while 14% said they did not know what happen. 1% chose not to respond. 
The fear of destructive floods this year was relatively higher among rural respondents (58%), than urban (42%).

Spell Bounder

I'm journalist in Pakistan,And working in this field about 20 years.