Four more bullet-riddled bodies of Baloch missing persons found

Four more bullet-riddled bodies of Baloch missing persons, including that of an activist of Baloch Watan Movement (BWM), were found in teshsil Bhagbana of Khuzdar district, some 310 kilometres from the provincial capital, and Kulanch area of Pasni, on Sunday, Balochistan Levies said.“Levies patrol party spotted two dead bodies in Lendo area of Bhagbana and the bodies were taken to the District Headquarters Hospital Khuzdar for autopsy,” Bhagbana Tehsildar Ghulam Haider told South Punjab News .The deceased were identified as BWM activist Ghulamullah s/o Elahi Bux from Zehri tribe, resident of Bhagbana, and his friend Abdul Waheed s/o Mohammad Yousaf from Reki tribe, a resident of Lizo in Khuzdar. “They were brutally tortured before they were killed,” hospital sources said, adding the victims were shot in head and eye and other parts of their bodies.Sources in Khuzdar said that Ghulamullah and Abdul Waheed were whisked away from Khuzdar by armed men on July 28 when they were going to Ferozabad which is 10 kilometres from Khuzdar city.Highly scared relatives blamed unidentified armed men for kidnapping and killing them for no crime of theirs.The tehsildar said a case had been registered against unidentified persons on behalf of Balochistan Levies.Meanwhile, Balochistan Levies found two bullet-riddled bodies in Kulanch area of Pasni on Sunday.The bodies were taken to a nearby state-run hospital for autopsy where they were identified as Sameer Karim, resident of Tump and Abdul Mutalib, resident of Jiwani.The deceased received bullet wounds in their heads and chests, hospital sources said. mohammad zafar

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