Police in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa on Friday said they seized 196kg of heroin valued at about $5 million and arrested six people in the latest step by authorities to end drug trafficking in the country.
Officers acting on a tip off said they had arrested three Kenyans, two Iranians and a Pakistani, who oversaw the offloading of the drugs from a fishing boat into two waiting vehicles at dawn. The drugs were concealed in dog food packaging, police said.
Both Iran and Pakistan are major transit countries for heroin from Afghanistan which produces more than 90 percent of the world’s supply of the drug. The US said Kenya’s position makes it an ideal destination and transit point for both heroin and cocaine.
Officers acting on a tip off said they had arrested three Kenyans, two Iranians and a Pakistani, who oversaw the offloading of the drugs from a fishing boat into two waiting vehicles at dawn. The drugs were concealed in dog food packaging, police said.
Both Iran and Pakistan are major transit countries for heroin from Afghanistan which produces more than 90 percent of the world’s supply of the drug. The US said Kenya’s position makes it an ideal destination and transit point for both heroin and cocaine.